Evaluation & Assessment
Consequent upon the decision taken by the Governing Body of the CBSE, the CCE scheme of examination for classes till grade 10 has been discontinued from the Academic Year 2017 – 18 and onwards. The examination from Academic Year 2017 – 18 and onwards would be conducted as per the remodeled assessment structure by CBSE.
Scholastic Area: The assessment structure and examination for classes VI to VIII have been prepared in view of the provisions of RTE-Act 2009 and comprises of two terms i.e. Term-1 and 2 as explained below:
S. No. | Subject | TERM-1 (100 marks) (1st half of the session) 20 marks Periodic Assessment (A) | TERM-1 (100 marks) (1st half of the session) + 80 marks for Half Yearly Exam (B) | TERM-2 (100 marks) (2nd half of the session) 20 marks Periodic Assessment (A) | TERM-2 (100 marks) (2nd half of the session) + 80 marks for Yearly Exam (B) |
1. | Language -1 | PA 20 marks | Half Yearly Exam | PA 20 Marks | Yearly Exam |
2. | Language -2 | • Pen Paper Test (syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by school) | • Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus covered till announcement | •Periodic Test | •Written exam for 80 marks with syllabus coverage as below: |
3. | Language -3 | and Multiple Assessment (5+5=10) | with syllabus covered till | • 10 marks with syllabus covered till announcement of test dates by school | Class VI: 10% of 1st term covering significant topics |
4. | Mathematics | and Multiple Assessment | of Half Yearly exam dates by school | • Note Book submission 5 marks at termend | Class VII: 20% of |
5. | Science | • Subject Enrichment (Practical Work) | of Half Yearly exam dates by school | • Sub Enrichment 5 marks at termend | 1st term covering significant topics |
6. | Social Science | 5 marks at termend | • Sub Enrichment 5 marks at termend | + entire syllabus of 2nd term | |
7. | Any other Subject | • Portfolio 5 marks at termend | Class VIII: 30% of 1st term covering significant topics + entire syllabus of 2nd term |
(Students are to be awarded grades according to the following scheme)
91-100 | A1 |
81-90 | A2 |
71-80 | B1 |
61-70 | B2 |
51-60 | C1 |
41-50 | C2 |
33-40 | D |
33& below | E(Failed) |
Co-Scholastic Activities (Classes VI-VIII):For the holistic development of the student, co-curricular activities the following areas be carried out in CBSE affiliated schools by the teachers and will be gradedterm-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding,B=Very Good and C=Fair).Theaspectofregularity, sincere participation, output and teamwork be the generic criteria for grading in the following co-scholastic activities
Work Education – Work Education refers to skill-based activities resulting in goods or services useful to the community
Art Education (Visual & Performing Art)
Health and Physical Education (Sports/Martial Arts/Yoga/NCC etc.
Discipline (Classes VI-VIII): The students will also be assessed for the discipline which will be based on the factors like attendance, sincerity, behavior, values, tidiness, respectfulness for rules and regulations, attitude towards society, nation and others. Grading on Discipline will be done term-wise on a 3-point grading scale (A=Outstanding, B=Very Good and C=Fair)
Shutting down the Dual Assessment Scheme, CBSE has brought a significant change in the Assessment Scheme to be followed in Class IX academic session, i.e., 2017-2018 onwards. The assessment, examination and report card patterns for class IX students will be similar to that of class X Board students.
CBSE Class IX and X Exam Pattern
20 Marks Internal Assessment: Student has to secure 33% marks out of overall 20 marks earmarked in each subject. Internal assessment consists of:
Subject | 80 Marks (Board Examination) Student has to secure 33% marks out of 80 marks in each subject | 20 Marks (Internal Assessment) Student has to secure 33% marks out of overall 20 marks earmarked in each subject (1) | (2) | (3) |
Language -1 | Board will conduct Class-X Examination | Periodic written Test,restricted to three in each subject in an Academic Year. | This will cover:Regularity Assignment Completion | Speaking and listening skills |
Language -2 | for 80 marks in each subject covering 100% syllabus of the subject of Class-X only. | Average of the best two tests to be taken for final marks submission | Neatness & upkeep of notebook | Speaking and listening skills |
Science | Marks and Grades both | Assessment using multiple strategies For example, Quiz, | Any exemplary work done by the student | Practical Lab work |
Mathematics | will be awarded for Individual subjects. | Debate, Role Play, Viva, Group Discussion, | Participation of the student | Maths Lab Practical |
Social Science | 9-point grading will be same as followed. | Visual Expression, Concept Map etc | in different activities | Project Work |
S. No. | Activity | To be graded on a 5-point scale (A-E) in school | Areas and Objectives(as prescribed in the Scheme of Studies for Subjects of Internal Assessment) |
1. | Work Education or Pre-Vocational Education | By the concerned Teacher | Work education is a distinct curricular area for students for participation in social, economic and welfare activities. Student gets a sense of community service and develops self-reliance.(for Pre-Vocational Education as per Scheme of Studies) |
2. | Art Education | By the VA/PA or the concerned teacher | Art Education constitutes an important area of curricular activity for development of wholesome personality of the students. Students will select one or more forms of creative arts. |
3. | Health & Physical Education (Sports / Martial Arts / Yoga / NCC etc.) | By the PE Teacher | Health & Physical Activity preferably sports must be given a regular period. Students should be provided opportunities to get professionally trained in the area of their interest. Indigenous sports, yoga and NCC must be encouraged in the schools creating a sense of physical fitness, discipline, sportsmanship, patriotism, self-sacrifice and health care. |
(Students are to be awarded grades according to the following scheme)
91-100 | A1 |
81-90 | A2 |
71-80 | B1 |
61-70 | B2 |
51-60 | C1 |
41-50 | C2 |
33-40 | D |
33& below | E(Failed) |
Co- Scholastic Activities
These activities will be graded on a 5-point grading scale (A to E) and will have no descriptive indicators. No upscaling of grades will be done.
Discipline (Attendance. Sincerity. Behavior. Values:
Discipline significantly impacts career shaping and it helps build character. Sincerity, good behavior and values develop strength and foster unity and co-operation. Therefore, the element of discipline has been introduced. Class teacher will be responsible for grading the students on a Five-point scale (A to E).